Okay here’s another one for the geeks.
As much as I hate (but secretly love) to say this, music from the 90s art/demo scene was a strong influence when I was first starting out. I spent at least a couple years listening to and aspiring to write stuff in this vein. Who knows how many horrendously cheesey tracks I wrote in the process. The funny thing is that this stuff sounded pretty damn cool at the time 😉
Luckily that’s all in the past now, but there are a few things I took away from this period of nerdy musical history: depth, intensity, emotion. With few exceptions the vast majority of music I write has at least a couple of these traits, and it’s a commonality in a lot of music I’m drawn to.
Anyways, without further ado, here’s the throwback. First presented at Assembly 1993 it’s Second Reality by Future Crew. With music by Purple Motion and Skaven.