
Hey gamers,

Blocksmith is a previously unreleased puzzle game I made 5 years ago. I figured I might as share it with the world rather than have it collecting dust on my hard drive.

Please post your comments below, whether good, indifferent or bad (if bad please try to keep it constructive 🙂 If enough people enjoy it I will polish it, add some new features, tune the gameplay, etc. For example:

  • audio (sound FX, Snug BG music!)
  • allow players to start with a greater difficulty level
  • UI tweaks (make it more obvious that you can only undo once, the game has ended, etc.)
  • high score board
  • perhaps new gameplay elements?


Implementing a logout function in Tapestry 5

I’m working on a couple Java projects right now and so I decided to jump in and give Tapestry 5 a try. So far I’m really liking it, although as many have griped with Tapestry in the past, the documentation is minimal.

As you might already be aware, Tapestry 4 had a RestartService that you could use straight from your page via a ServiceLink. I wasn’t able to find anything similar in T5, and a fair bit of Googling yielded no obvious results on how to implement a logout. Finally I found a way to get at the HttpSession, and from there it’s simply a matter of invalidating it.

Here’s the code for your page/component:

<t:actionlink id=”logout”>Logout</t:actionlink>

Here’s the code for your Java class:

import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.annotations.Inject;
import com.yourapp.pages.Index;

public class Border {
  private RequestGlobals requestGlobals;
  public Object onActionFromLogout() {
    return Index.class;

Hopefully this will save somebody a bit of time.