Here’s something for those of you who, like me, have video games to thank for the outstanding social prowess they developed during their childhood. Those whose third and unofficial parent was Shigeru Miyamoto. Those who still follow all the major Nintendo franchises like a religion, despite being in their 30s…
Anyway, if this doesn’t bring back memories of staying up half the night playing video games I really don’t know what will.
I’ve always been a bit of a video game music geek. I guess because I’m a music geek. And a video game geek. Or just a geek in general. But also, I’m drawn to it because it can be like anything and everything, or like nothing.
Often it’s plain and simple and just sets a mood. Other times it’s a dozen or so genres mashed up into a sonic Frankenstein. Other times it’s so gloriously cheesy it makes your eye balls ooze rainbow juice and head sprout kitten fur.
On ocassion I’ve had some of my own music likened to this particular piece… I guess it’s obvious that this stuff has rubbed off on me (in case naming several of my tracks after video games wasn’t obvious enough!)